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Paso 1: Descargue la aplicación

Descargar la aplicación BillionGraves

¡Puede convertirse en voluntario de BillionGraves! Solo descargue la aplicación, encuentre un cementerio cercano y comience a tomar fotos.

Paso 2:
Encuentre un cementerio
  1. Paso 1:

    Descargue la aplicación

    • ¿Por qué necesito la aplicación? La aplicación BillionGraves es la mejor herramienta para recopilar datos de lápidas. Hace que recopilar imágenes y cargarlas sea tan fácil como usar cualquier aplicación de cámara. Solo apunta y dispara, luego haz clic en el botón de subir cuando llegues a casa. Nos encargaremos de asegurarnos de que sus fotos terminen en el lugar correcto.
    • ¿En qué dispositivos funciona la aplicación? La aplicación BillionGraves está disponible en todos los teléfonos iOS y Android. Para tomar fotos, requerimos que su dispositivo tenga GPS, por lo que los iPad que no tienen capacidades de datos y los dispositivos Android que no tienen GPS no pueden tomar fotos.
  2. Cómo empezar

    1. Download the BillionGraves app to your smartphone from your app store. 
    2. In the app, click on "Take Pictures" to begin taking photos in your local cemetery. The GPS    coordinates will automatically be recorded.
    3. Go up and down the rows, taking pictures of each gravestone until you have completed an entire section or the entire cemetery. Keep moving at a quick pace. If you take 1 photo every 15 seconds you will have taken almost 250 photos in an hour! 
    4. When you are finished, tap on the "X" in the corner of your screen. When the orange button that says "upload" appears, tap on it to submit your gravestone photos.
    5. At home, connect to Wi-Fi and tap on "Photos." When the orange button that says "upload" appears, tap on it to submit your gravestone photos.
    6. ¡Repetir! :)
  3. Photo-taking Tips

    1. Stand to the side to avoid casting a shadow.
    2. Remove weeds, grass, or other debris that may block gravestone information.
    3. Be sure names and dates are inside the photo frame.
  4. Linking Photos with the BillionGraves App

    • If a gravestone has data on more than one side (for example,parents on one side and children on the other side) there is a way to link them together. Just click on the chain icon in the corner of your screen between each photo that you would like to link (front side, chain icon, backside).
    • You can use this linking feature for obelisks that have data on four sides. You can also use it to link a large gravestone with a family surname on it to nearby smaller gravestones with the family member`s first names on them.
  5. Upload Your Photos

    • When you are finished taking photos for the day, you can upload your photos right at the cemetery, if you have unlimited data, or you can wait until you connect to Wi-Fi to upload them.
    • From the app`s home screen, tap on the "Photos" button in the bottom right-hand side of the screen. An orange button that says "upload" will appear. Tap it and your photos will automatically be sent to the BillionGraves database to help families find their ancestors for generations to come!